Our Story

About The Dome And Microgreens

The Westdome Nursery is a family-owned business. We produce quality microgreens with the use of no “cides” (no insecticides or pesticides are used!) for restaurants, markets, etc.

All of our products are cut by hand on demand. This ensures that our product will be at its freshest upon receipt.

Microgreen plants vary in length of time from seed to harvest, anywhere from one to six weeks depending on the season and type of seed. Cut microgreens will last one to two weeks depending on the variety. Of course, the best nutrients derived from all microgreens are obtained if they are used within the first five days.

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Westdome Nursery is named after our dome-shaped home. The first greenhouse for the Westdome was built in 2008.

Our first plants were organic herb and vegetable seedlings. We transitioned to growing microgreens in the fall of 2014.  


How We Greaux     

Here at the Westdome, we have tried many materials on which to raise our crops. We desired a method to raise a quality healthy crop, a medium that had no dyes and was bio-degradable or reusable. The best products we have found are porous soil in trays, and we use hydro-tables with coconut.

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Westdome Nursery is a family-owned business.